What Does Your Sleep Position Say About You?

Have you ever thought about what your sleep position says about you? Although sleep can feel like a dark period of oblivion, it’s an essential means of rejuvenation that greatly influences physical performance and physiological functioning.

In effect, sleeping positions convey valuable insights into personality and behavioral tendencies. Taking the time to understand how to analyze and improve the process of sleep is imperative to good health.

Entering a deep state of relaxation and your go-to sleep position is vital in discovering unconscious tendencies and thoughts. Although the unconscious brain has yet to be fully explored or understood, we know it acts as a reservoir of leftover intentions, urges, and memories. The magic of quality sleep is that these feelings and thoughts surface unintentionally through body language and dreams. So, while there may not be a full-proof personality-sleep test, let's dive into what the most common sleep-styles mean on a greater scale:

Side Positions:

The Log: The log position is when the sleeper rests on their side with legs extended their arms in place near the pillow. It looks as if the sleeper is hugging a log as they sleep. Typical Log sleepers are outgoing, sociable, and relatively trusting of others. They stick to their group and consider themselves upright and healthy individuals.

Aspiring Dreamer: The dreamer position is a side sleeper with arms stretched out in front rather than near the pillow. Dreamers are generally inviting and friendly but can be suspicious of change and new environments. Aspiring Dreamers are often older rather than younger in age.

Back Positions:

Sleepy Soldier: The classic soldier position is lying flat on your back with arms straight down on each side. While this is nowhere near the most popular position and often induces snoring, Soldiers are structured and serious individuals. They can easily get worked up and have high expectations of themselves and others.

Shooting Star: The shooting star or starfish position is exactly as the visual indicates. Star sleepers lie on their back, legs stretched out, with their arms extended above their head. Star characters are generally a great source of healing and inspiration for those close to them. They are accepting, considerate, and helpful.

Stomach Positions:

The Skydiver: A skydiver is a stomach sleeper with their head to one side and their arms wrapped around their pillow. Indicative of the name, skydivers are to-the-point risk-takers who open, fun, and playful.

The Baby: The Baby or Fetal position is the most common sleeping position of them all. Given we've all experienced this position before birth, it's only natural that some among us revert to it. Fetal position sleepers generally have a soft and sensitive interior underneath a rougher exterior.

The Best and Worst

More important than the hints and personality interpretations above is what quality sleep feels and looks like. While your sleep position is often unconscious and unintentional, there are still a variety of intentional tips and tricks that can greatly improve your rest. For example, try altering your position using pillows or blankets so that you wake up rested, free of muscle pain and aches.

More than that, an herbal supplement like Snooze Cruise can be the formula for a night of deep and restful sleep. Nothing beats a refreshed and rejuvenated mind. A solid sleep position paired with a blend of Chamomile flower, Hops flower, Valerian root, Wood betony aerial portion, Linden flower, and Black Cohosh root is the perfect combination to relax the mind, body, and spirit. Snooze Cruise is an all-natural non-habit forming method that allows you to gently drift into that much-needed beauty sleep. For more information on quality sleep and herbal remedies that work, visit AmplyBlends.com today.

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